Ecometry Reviews

I received two reviews during my tenure as a Support Analyst I & II, Systems Advisor, and Support Team Lead while at Ecometry from June 1997 through August 2002 that you may view below. Ecometry has changed names. It was originally called Smith Gardner & Associates (SGA), then it was Ecometry, then JDA and now Blue Yonder. Ecometry is a software company that provides order processing solutions for all commerce channels (web, catalog, and retail). I worked for Clara Hoban, Client Services Director.

Rhonda is one of the most knowledgeable people in Client Services. She has a very thorough understanding of MACS and the mail order business. She has learned many new software applications this year to facilitate maintaining the Customer Support web site. She knows where to find answers and is particularly good at asking specific questions to get the information she needs. She is also good at communicating technical information so corrections are not prolonged due to incorrect and unclear details. Rhonda takes tremendous pride in her work, following through with an admirable level of quality. Her project management skills are her greatest strength. She not only deals with the issue posed, but forecasts permutations of problems and downstream effects of solutions she is posing. She is extremely professional, working closely with the customer until they are happy. Her attention to detail is remarkable, noting every conversation and action in STAR. Subsequent issues noting the same problem can easily be resolved from Rhonda’s notes. Rhonda is one of the few people I can rely on to make a sound, well-founded judgement call. She is not only good at assessing priorities, but at notifying management about potentially explosive situations in advance. [Initiative] is another strong area for Rhonda. She continuously identifies things that need to be done, takes ownership without someone asking, and follows through. Her forethought is remarkable, often heading off problems or minimizing negative impact of changes necessary to move forward. Rhonda adapts well to the ever-changing priorities at Smith-Gardner. She identifies what she needs to continually manage her ever changing workload to get the job done quickly and correctly. Her focused ability to effectively deal with challenging clients is evident daily in her work with Educational Experience. Rhonda is very cooperative, both with management and peers. Working from Hawaii, Rhonda follows through on all tasks with virtually no supervision. She is good at keeping us informed. In addition, the timeliness of her turnaround on projects is very impressive. No matter what the project, how urgent, or how little information she is provided, Rhonda delivers quality, accurate memos and alerts very quickly. Rhonda’s work continues to be excellent. Her ideas to streamline processes and reduce manual steps help tweak our daily processes. Her work with Educational Experience has opened communications between the two companies and has significantly improved the quality of information we are getting from Educational Experience, thus improving the quality of responses we are able to deliver. Not only is Rhonda solely responsible for the content of the Customer Support web site, she has recently taken on the physical maintenance of our [corporate] web site as well. In addition, she has started the NT Support web site. She also has recently taken on front-line support of LV Martin for the UK. Though she continually takes on big, on going projects, the quality and timeliness of her alerts and memos does not suffer.
— Clara Hoban, Client Services Director, Ecometry

Rhonda brought a tremendous beginning knowledge of MACS to this job through her experience as a Major Accounts Rep. While she does not know how every function in MACS performs, she is never hesitant to dig in and find the information she needs to pass along complete, accurate information. She seems to fully understand the Mailorder Business and the important role her position plays with the customers. She has a strong technical base which she uses to tap additional resources. She knows where to go, internally and through the customers, to get any information she does not currently already have. She had done a wonderful job of moving into this position and recognizing what needs to be done with relatively little direction. With her shift in job responsibilities, she should continue to use her resourceful talents to develop the bug bulletin and customer support site contents. Rhonda is very thorough, researching every task, asking questions and posing “what ifs”, so that her work is always done right the first time. Her communications with the customers is very professional and polished. Even though her job entails communicating information customers are not generally glad to hear, Rhonda is good at providing enough information so that the customer does not panic, and instead helps SG solve their problems. I can always rely on Rhonda to take a project from beginning to end. Her attention to detail is admirable, documenting her work thoroughly in STAR and on the LAN. Rhonda’s actions are usually right on the mark, recognizing what should be communicated to the customer and what should not. She never makes rash decisions, researching thoroughly when she has doubts. I can rely on her to only escalate what truly needs management’s attention. Her judgment is very good. Having very little direction in her job, this [iniative] is probably Rhonda’s strongest area. She takes full ownership of every project and tackles it with admirable initiative. 90% of Rhonda’s job is recognizing significant problems with the software to communicate to the customers. She is also very helpful internally, offering herself as a point for questions for the Coordinators and Analysts, for Support, Installations and Major Accounts. Rhonda is one of the few people who truly taps the resources available in the company library. Rhonda quickly adjusts to the ever changing priorities at Smith Gardner. Her versatility adds to her strength. Having recently taken on Educational Experience, she has already organized an enormous amount of unnecessary backup that has muddied the waters for the average analyst. Although one of our more difficult customers, Rhonda handles this
account smoothly. Even though she is working from Hawaii, she continues to maintain a very organized focus on the tasks at hand, however diversified and complex they may be. Rhonda is always cooperative, with peers, customers, and management. She volunteers to help more often than she is asked. In fact, when she moved to Hawaii, she specifically asked that the Coordinators continue to e-mail her with questions and problems. She is one of the few people who does not crucify the coordinators for their situation within Smith Gardner. She recognizes that they are brought into the company with relatively no exposure to systems and she is one of the few people who truly works to give them more knowledge, about the system, the mail-order business and Smith Gardner’s internal processes. This [reliability] is another strong area for Rhonda. I rely on her often, knowing she will follow through. She often takes on more than time allows; however, she never misses a deadline, either established or perceived. She is very conscientious and is the only employee in the current support structure that I don’t feel I need to review what she sends to customers. Obviously, she performs well without supervision, as she has made the move to Hawaii and continues to generate the same amount of quality work. Rhonda is very conscientious, always putting herself in the customer’s or analyst’s position before proceeding.
Overall Performance Evaluation: Rhonda had done a tremendous job this year, taking on the System Advisor position with little or no supervision. She routinely communicates bad news to customers with polish and professionalism. She thoroughly researches the consequences of every alert and memo to minimize the customer’s negative reactions. She is also very helpful internally,
acting as an information point for Support, Installations and Major Accounts.
Significant Accomplishments: Rhonda has organized several processes internally, specifically transmittals. She has documented procedures and worked out problem areas within support to help deliver accurate information to the customers more quickly.
— Clara Hoban, Client Services Director, Ecometry