MetiLinx Reviews

I received two reviews during my tenure as Technical Writer, Business Applications Manager and Marketing Communications Manager at MetiLinx from August 2002 through June 2004 that you may view below. MetiLinx was a software company that provided network optimization software.

Rhonda reports directly to me as Business Applications Manager supporting and MEPS (both documentation and licensing). Recently, she has picked up Marketing responsibilities for tradeshows and PR. Rhonda took over design and development saving MetiLinx $10,000 per month (reducing outside costs). She also developed our new licensing tool [MEPS], the cornerstone of iSystem Enterprise. Rhonda’s work directly affects our users. Her attention to detail and pretesting procedures has all but eliminated defects. This translates into a pleasant experience for our users. Rhonda has made complete changes in all of her areas of responsibility and has delivered all within the required timeframe. Rhonda puts in the hours necessary to deliver on time and accurate the first time. Rhonda keeps internal and external personnel well advised of changes and improvements. She is extremely articulate and thorough in detail and breadth of any project. She quickly becomes the authority for her area. Rhonda knows the answers and I would like her to take more initiative to act on what she knows is right. We depend on her judgement and yield to her area of knowledge. If it is within the scope of the project, her decisions are best. Rhonda is without question one of the best. She works tirelessly until all is accomplished and takes on whatever will prove to be important to MetiLinx. I have come to rely on Rhonda to almost self manage her area of expertise. I do not worry about any area that Rhonda has responsibility. Rhonda is not afraid to take charge or call the parties together for agreement and work assignments. Other have confidence in her management skill and welcome her participation in any project. Rhonda has proven again and again her value to MetiLinx. She has taken on more responsibility without title or increase in pay. I am recommending Rhonda be promoted to Marketing Communication Manager with a pay increase appropriate for the position. Rhonda has earned the position through her hard work and dedication to MetiLinx.
— Robert F Manning, Executive Director, Product & Process Management

Rhonda’s responsibilities are to develop the MetiLinx internal/external portals, develop the licensing tool version 2, and to be a video training resource. Rhonda has a very firm grasp on the objectives of MetiLinx and ensures a quality result by her focus on the end result. She is very thorough in all aspects of testing, tracking and documentation while managing the expectation of our vendor. Rhonda’s production is not limited to 9 to 5. Her workload demands more time and she gracefully increases her efforts to deliver on time. Although Rhonda has taken on many new tasks, she gains the skills required and executes as if she was the expert. Rhonda can articulate to any audience her area of expertise. Her documentation and email notifications are on point. I trust Rhonda’s judgements and decisions to affirm the best interests of MetiLinx. Rhonda works until the job is done satisfactorily. Rhonda translates strategic direction into a tactical plan that accomplishes the end goal. Rhonda has unquestionable leadership ability. Rhonda displays the “get it done” skill and attitude that is popular at MetiLinx. Her attention to detail ensures MetiLinx o the best, for the money and effort, to support our team.
— Robert F Manning, Executive Director, Product & Process Management