MetiLinx was a software company that provided network optimization software. They have since gone out of business. I worked at the MetiLinx Florida office at 5757 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 300, Miami, FL 33126. My supervisor as Technical Writer was Howard Sims, Manager of Training and Documentation. My supervisor as Business Applications Manager and Marketing Communications Manager was Robert F. Manning, Executive Director, Product & Process Management.
Employment dates: August 2002 – June 2004
Marketing Communications Manager; January 2004 – June 2004
● Managed our participation in industry trade shows (Microsoft Mgmt Summit, TechEd, etc.)
● Managed corporate press relations
● Retained all Business Applications Manager responsibilities
● Reason for leaving company: Widespread company lay-offs which led to my becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom
Business Applications Manager; November 2002 – January 2004
● Managed our partner and staff portal website that utilized Plumtree portal software
● Managed our license key generation web application; designed requirements, tested, deployed, and supported the next-generation version of the same web application
● Managed our corporate website using Dreamweaver MX
● Reason for leaving position: Promotion
Technical Writer; August 2002 – November 2002
● Created software training videos using Camtasia Studio and Adobe Premiere
● Reason for leaving position: Promotion